

Catering in Further Education Colleges is a specialist fast paced field, constantly moving with new food trends and requiring particular expertise in meeting the needs of a very mixed community of students.

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Across our portfolio of colleges we cater for students studying academic subjects and vocational courses. Some of our customers are full time students, others attend part time, some attend evening classes.

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Food is in demand at all times of day, not at set times, as grab&go, as traditionally served meals, as café offers.

We're experienced in working successfully with clients to help them change and maximise the value of catering services as they amalgamate colleges to achieve greater cost efficiency.


Flexibility is the key, and so is value. Our price points compete with the best High St brands - and for a significant proportion of students are within the range of free meals budgets. We provide food that is contemporary, exciting, easy and fast, worth staying on campus for, and it must be healthy food.