
SecondarySchoolsarrow right

Our focus in secondary schools is on providing the range of choices that will appeal to the evolving tastes and aspirations of pupils as they develop from children to teenagers and young adults.


Our priority in this environment is to arrive at a balanced portfolio of offers that meets both the demand for high street comparable food while maintaining government standards and school food plan policy.

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We put great emphasis on training our colleagues to understand health and education outcomes and be proactive in educating pupils in healthy eating and encouraging them to try new foods.


The Department of Education’s School Food Standards, which came into force at the start of 2015, are designed to ensure caterers help children to eat well at school by providing menus that are interesting, creative and nutritionally balanced.

Our menus meet all the requirements of the School Food Standards and are also planned using the principles of the government’s healthy eating guidance.

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We're committed stakeholders in UK education, with a strong sense of our duty of care for the young people we serve, a reliable long term partner experienced in delivering quality within budget.

Investing inTechnology

At many of our secondary schools, we have invested in technology that encourages pupils to choose their own lunch, reducing the need for cash, increasing service efficiency and reducing food wastage.